Praying to the Holy Spirit
26 Nov 2019 | Prayer Holy SpiritWe pray to Jesus and the Father, so should we pray to the Holy Spirit?
We pray to Jesus and the Father, so should we pray to the Holy Spirit?
It was such a pleasure to speak at DevCon 2019 at Clearwater Analytics here in Boise! All that information is so overwhelming and awesome!
With quantum computers come the promise of a golden age of computing where everything is solved and our wildest science fiction dreams spontaneously appear in our laps–for free.
Obviously that’s not an entirely accurate view of reality.
I’ve got a long way to go to migrate my blog from my own Wordpress instance to, but I think it’ll be worth it. I’m already really excited about returning to Markdown without the frustration of keeping a server playing nice on the side.
Github is like a second home, and it’s time I start contributing here instead of just consuming.
One of the greatest communication resources we have inside any organization is the internal blog, and we’re not fully utilizing it. I’m not fully utilizing it.