Robert Whiting In search of awesome

A good hobby


A good hobby draws me closer to God or closer to people.

It benefits my own character or sharpens my skill.

It builds contentment and satisfaction instead of demanding more.

It leaves me calm and either tired or energetic, not lethargic or frustrated.

A little better


Every day, do something to move your character one step toward the place you want to be when you grow up.

Corner Desk


My office was swallowed by a baby room, so I moved my computer to share the office with my wife.

She was sick of her little desk, and I didn’t really like my big desk–that trade was obvious. But I still need some semblance of a desk. At work, I use a standing desk because it helps me with better posture, so why not build one for the new office?

Logging Philosophy


I’ve compiled my logging philosophy into a single place so that I can reference it for later. Here is what I’ve found so far…

Padawan Michael Wookie


My 2 year old walked into my office, sat on a chair and grinned up at me. “A Stawas stowie.”

“A Star Wars story?”